This image titled “The harvest of death. Gettysburg, July 4, 1863… Photographed by A. Gardner, Washington,” appeared in Harpers Weekly magazine. It appears to combine elements of the Harvest of Death photo series with the “Un[...]
Harvest of Death Tour
Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides Garry Adelman and Tim Smith are south of the Henry Spangler Farm, whose buildings are shown in the right background. Garry is holding a copy of Gettysburg Magazine Issue #3. In this issue, Historian Earl Coates[...]
Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides Garry Adelman, on the left, and Tim Smith are at the northeastern section of Sherfy’s Peach Orchard. The Trostle Barn is visible in the center background, between Garry and Tim. The Pennsylvania State mon[...]
This photograph taken from Seminary Ridge after the battle shows the Hagerstown Road/Middle Street and the Borough of Gettysburg. Notice how the month after the battle, some fence rails are up, and almost all the fence posts along the Hagerstown Roa[...]
Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides Tim Smith (bearded) and Garry Adelman (clean-shaven) are the hosts for the Harvest of Death series. They are shown on Oak Hill, circa 1990 around the time when Garry first met William Frassanito to show Frassan[...]
Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guides Tim Smith (displaying the two key Harvest of Death scenes) and Garry Adelman are the hosts for the Harvest of Death series. They are standing on the south end of the Gettysburg Battlefield. The Rose Farm is in [...]